Get to know the town where your firm is located
Do you know the place where you work? Do you really know the place where you work?
You may not know the neighbourhood that well after all. You may not know, for example, what mysterious events took place in the cellar of the house opposite. You may not know where to go for coffee, for a quick bite or for a really good lunch. We will give you a taste of all possibilities. You may not know, but the owner of the neighbouring convenience store has lived in Hawaii for three years and the birds on the façade of the Art Nouveau building next to you definitely mean something.
Which way shall we start? To the city centre, where you can choose from rather sophisticated options, or the suburbs where you can have extraordinary adventures? We can custom-make and personalize your tour, based on your choices and interests.
We recommend these tours to both companies who have recently moved to a new office and employees who have been working at the same location for years. We are sure that we will be able to surpass their expectations as well.
Tour duration: at least 3 hours, optimally 5 hours, with dinner
Recommended group size: 20 people (or in case of groups larger than 20 people, an individual offer is necessary, and the group needs to be divided into groups of 20 at the most)
Price of the tour / person: from 16,000 HUF + VAT / person
The tour can be in Hungarian or English (translation into other languages is possible)
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